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Hi Matus,

I tried ot out, but it too didn't help !
Do we have another approach?



On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 3:30 PM, Matúš Kukan <> wrote:

On 1 March 2013 10:51, Prashant Pandey <> wrote:
Hi Noel,

ps aux show the following results:

elixir   32147  0.0  0.0  13400  1748 pts/0    S+   14:49   0:00 bash -c
/home/elixir/lo/postprocess && unset MAKEFLAGS &&
elixir   32148  0.0  0.2  40152  9684 pts/0    S+   14:49   0:00 perl -S
/home/elixir/lo/solenv/bin/ -P4 --all -- -P4
elixir   32154  0.0  0.2  40152  8136 pts/0    S+   14:49   0:00 perl -S
/home/elixir/lo/solenv/bin/ -P4 --all -- -P4
elixir   32155  1.3  7.6 304184 295196 pts/0   S+   14:49   0:23 make -f
Makefile -j4 -rs all slowcheck
So you were building still with - it can happen - just kill
the process, pull and run make again.
There will be no more perl controlling the build.



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