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I just upgraded to LibreOffice Version: on my Ubuntu 17.04 64bit computer. Now I discover that no longer have a feature that I have long found useful.
Formerly in Calc when I had a formula calculating from a series of cells 
when I place the cursor in the entry box just under the tool bars Calc 
would place a box around the cells making for quick identification of 
those cells.
Now, I have lost that feature. I know that I can use Tools - Detective - 
Trace Precedents to work around but it is not nearly as quick and easy.
Did I inadvertently change a toggle or something to turn off the 
feature? I would like to get it to behave as formerly.
A smile - is a sign of joy.
A hug - is a sign of love.
A laugh - is a sign of happiness.
And a friend like me??
...that's just a sign of good taste!!

Blessings, Joe Conner
Joshua 24:15 " for me and my house, we will serve the LORD."

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