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Hi Gulsah,

On Fri, 2015-01-02 at 13:53 -0500, Robinson Tryon wrote:
On Fri, Jan 2, 2015 at 7:53 AM, Gülşah Köse <> wrote:
...Libpebble’s license allows to use, copy, modify,
merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies.
        This is great.

Yep, looks like the MIT license (but hard to read w/o the newlines):
        That's no problem of course.

The files I got from this repository are under the libpebble directory
with its own license. I’ve used GPLv2.1 for my code.
        We'd really prefer to use the MPLv2 (Mozilla Public License) - which is
a quad-license with the GPL/LGPL/AGPL - that just helps us avoid having
too many different license combinations around. It helps to have you in
this table & a quick statement to the list:

        if you're ok with that :-)

        I'd love to get you setup with commit access to push that into our
gerrit 'impress_remote' repository alongside the Android & iOS remotes:;a=summary

        Are you interested in folding your work in up-stream & joining the
LibreOffice development team ? =) I hope so.

        The first thing to do is to setup a gerrit commit account - which
should be reasonably easy; checkout:

        And poke me / the list / Christian with your account name =)

        Exciting stuff :-)


--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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