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so the gerrit firehose will end on Monday 2013-06-17 0000UTC -- plus/minus a
bit for me fumbling around with it.



----- Forwarded message from Bjoern Michaelsen <> -----

Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2013 13:49:55 +0200
From: Bjoern Michaelsen <>
To: Michael Meeks <>
Cc: Libreoffice-qa <>, libreoffice-dev 
Subject: [ANN] gerrit daily digest active, please add yourself to watched projects, gerrit firehose 
likely ends next week (was: minutes of ESC call ...)
User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)


On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 04:04:14PM +0100, Michael Meeks wrote:
      + Proposed compromise: (decide on it next time)
              + build a daily digest of submitted patches -> dev list
                      + with commit messages, authors, links etc.
              + turn other notifications off
              + better document the gerrit mail / notification settings
              + encourage people who want to see everything to do that.
      + Go with the compromise
AI:           + get the digest bits setup (Bjoern)
              + already have a script by David for that, put that
                into the dev-tools/ repository bikeshedding there.
the digest mailer is now active, here is the first output of it:

It is now running on a cronjob at 0600UTC (european morning) daily on the
gerrit machine.

I also updated the gerrit mail notification docs at:

so if there are no issues over the next week, we should then turn off the
firehose to the mailing list on Monday 2013-06-17(*) 0000UTC -- so please prepare
to add your watched projects as needed then to keep your personal firehose
flushing ;)


LibreOffice mailing list

----- End forwarded message -----

(*) fixed typo in original mail


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