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On Sat, 2015-07-18 at 08:21 -0400, Tim---Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:
On 07/18/2015 03:42 AM, Eric wrote:
On 07/17/2015 05:25 PM, charles meyer wrote:
For those on the list using or contemplating Linux, this was 

No one really addressed software only written for Windows - e.g.
Dragon Naturally Speaking.

There doesn't seem to be a good open source or Linux-based voice
recognition software.

That can be a deal breaker.
yes it can be. As someone dependent on NaturallySpeaking,  I can tell 
you that most of the native limits speech recognition solutions do not 
measure up and would probably take a multimillion dollar effort to 
make a functional equivalent.

 Then there is the issue of supporting it, fixing bugs, adding 
features, working with the community current open-source funding 
techniques just don't measure up to the financial needs of critical 
projects like this would be.

 So how is it, I am using NaturallySpeaking to dictate on the next? 
Well the wine solution is pretty fragile and doesn't work with the 
latest NaturallySpeaking. It still has problems with using community 
supported extensions such as natlink and vocola.

 Instead, I'm using a different solution which is running 
NaturallySpeaking in a Windows virtual machine and using a tool I 
developed called speech bridge (See github)  to link speech 
recognition functionality in Windows to whatever the hell Linux is doing.

 It's moving slow, I am changing things as I need them. I'm getting to 
the point where I could use some assistance but I'm going to hold off 
asking until I have a good specification/Definition.

--- eric

There are only two or three Win-only software I need to use, that I have 
not found an easy to use alternative for a .deb based Linux OS.  Also, I 
have not found any way to use my external USB-based wifi antenna, for 
"better/faster" useful access 10 floors below my router's antennas.  IF 
so, then Linux would be use for that work "environment",

Also, for the "speech issue", I have never been able to got that to work 
properly for Ubuntu and Linux Mint, as least text to speech.  I have not 
worked with speech to text or speech "system control" before, so I have 
not really looked into that, much.
I couldn't find a good OCR solution for linux either. Project for


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