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CppunitTest_sw_ooxmlexport started to fail after <> "Fix for LibreOffice crash during Document RoundTrip" though it is unclear to me whether it is due to that commit's change to sw/source/filter/writer/wrtswtbl.cxx or whether it is a problem that has been in the code before and only now happens to be triggered by that commit's newly added test in sw/qa/extras/ooxmlexport/ooxmlexport.cxx.
My --enable-dbgutil build started to abort in 
CppunitTest_sw_ooxmlexport, complaining about unsorted input to 
std::lower/upper_bound in o3tl/sorted_vector.hxx, which I band-aided 
with the below commit.  (Though that left CppunitTest_sw_ooxmlexport 
still failing with "number of nodes is incorrect" test failures.)
However, the code in sw/source/filter/inc/wrtswtbl.hxx leaves me 
completely puzzled.
* For one,

inline int SwWriteTableCol::operator<( const SwWriteTableCol& rCol ) const
    // Da wir hier nur die Wahrheits-Grade 0 und 1 kennen, lassen wir lieber
    // auch nicht zu, dass x==y und x<y gleichzeitig gilt ;-)
    return nPos < rCol.nPos - COLFUZZY;
is clearly broken and even does not fulfill the "fuzzy compare" of 
treating Cols with |a.nPos - b.nPos| <= COLFUZZY as equivalent, as 
codified in the accompanying
inline int SwWriteTableCol::operator==( const SwWriteTableCol& rCol ) const
    // etwas Unschaerfe zulassen
    return (nPos >= rCol.nPos ? nPos - rCol.nPos
                                     : rCol.nPos - nPos ) <= COLFUZZY;
(Note esp. that nPos is sal_uInt32, so e.g. "1000 < 10 - COLFUZZY" is true.)

* For another, I /guess/ that what is intended here is that SwWriteTable.aCols "normalizes" the given input and does not insert a new Col whose nPos is <= COLFUZZY apart from any existing Col. But the code clearly fails to deliver that...
* Also, SwXMLTableColumn_Impl inherits the broken 
SwWriteTableCol::operator< and is used in a similarly dubious way in 
Does anybody have insight into this part of the code and can properly 
fix the mess?

On 11/15/2013 12:08 PM, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
commit a3886c529cefdc0cb3db8ca27b3ea02f456c0470
Author: Stephan Bergmann <>
Date:   Fri Nov 15 12:06:34 2013 +0100

     o3tl::sorted_vector Compare needs to be a strict weak ordering

     No idea what the odd COLFUZZY SwWriteTableCol::operator == and < are supposed to
     be good for, so leave them alone for now.

     Change-Id: I52528a097f18ff12fac9725d802a3988c9dfa7e2

diff --git a/sw/source/filter/inc/wrtswtbl.hxx b/sw/source/filter/inc/wrtswtbl.hxx
index f4b7d50..6c25b8a 100644
--- a/sw/source/filter/inc/wrtswtbl.hxx
+++ b/sw/source/filter/inc/wrtswtbl.hxx
@@ -219,8 +219,13 @@ inline int SwWriteTableCol::operator<( const SwWriteTableCol& rCol ) const
      return nPos < rCol.nPos - COLFUZZY;

+struct SwWriteTableColLess {
+    bool operator()(SwWriteTableCol const * lhs, SwWriteTableCol const * rhs) {
+        return lhs->GetPos() < rhs->GetPos();
+    }

-class SwWriteTableCols : public o3tl::sorted_vector<SwWriteTableCol*, 
o3tl::less_ptr_to<SwWriteTableCol> > {
+class SwWriteTableCols : public o3tl::sorted_vector<SwWriteTableCol*, SwWriteTableColLess> {
      ~SwWriteTableCols() { DeleteAndDestroyAll(); }


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