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Hi Dave,

On Tue, 2010-10-26 at 12:22 -0700, Dave Lacy Kusters wrote:
I don't know why exactly this is happening. It appears to be picking up
a stlport_gcc in /usr/lib before the one in /path/to/solver. So what's
the output of 
        Soo ... IIWY I would remove your solver:

        rm -Rf build/libreoffice*/solver

        And re-configure with --without-stlport

        Hopefully that will fix your build; failing that, disabling both kde3
and 4 will get you past the problem (for now).

Note, there is /usr/lib, then solver/330/, then /usr/lib again.  
The linker doesn't have a chance to find the one in the solver hierarchy.

Where specifically is this command line generated?
        So - see the Linux* file in the inner build directory, and also
solenv/inc/*.mk - which together populate all the dmake rules [ yes we
will be switching to a more standard gnumake structure for the next
release ]



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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