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On Thu, 2011-07-14 at 22:44 +0700, Ta Duc Tung wrote:

After getting the code from repo, I could build it very well. Then I 
tried to modify some trivial code, building's still OK. However, after 
half of a day of browsing source code and *maybe* modified some code 
(I'm not sure about this cause I think I've disable all of my changes), 
I've come back and try to re-build it but it has given me this: (detail 
I happen to know that i18npool/source/localedata/data is the first place
that we execute anything through the uno bridge which suggests that
either it is broken, unlikely, or some of the libraries or data files it
is using are out of date due to bad dependency tracking for them. 

You could try attaching your i18npool/unxlng*/misc/saxparser.rdb here to
see if that one broken somehow.

You could also try adding gdb --args to the
i18npool/source/localedata/data/, i.e.
and run dmake in that dir (after source Linux* and type "run"
into gdb to run in a debugger, bt to get a backtrace.

A full rebuild (make clean; make) I guess is always an option.



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