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I'm using on a Debian/Buster AMD64 system.

I volunteer with several organizations, some of whom have standard colours that I would like to add to the LibreOffice colour palette. However the formerly available Tools | Options | Colors customization feature seems to have disappeared.
I noticed that the font colour chooser allows you to use custom colours 
but not add them to the palette. While usable, it's not a good solution 
when you are going to be using the same colours repeatedly.
After more googling, I eventually found a way of adding custom colours - 
by creating a shape then right-clicking on it and selecting area. This 
allows me to add colours to the custom palette (and apparently only the 
custom palette - even if I select a different palette, the new colour 
ends up in custom).
While this is sufficient for what I want to do, it seems rather arcane 
to bury this useful option in shapes when it clearly can be used for 
anything that has colour. To make matters worse, the font colour | 
custom colour dialogue allows you to define colours using RGB and CMYK 
values while the shape colour dialogue only allows RGB colours (but does 
allow you to save them).
I suggest that the developers should fix this duplication of effort by 
using only a single colour dialogue that combines the best features of 
both existing dialogues. They should also restore this to the Tools | 
Options menu.

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