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On Sat, 2011-05-14 at 13:06 -0700, C. Olofson wrote:

That'd be interesting.  Good "LibO User Story" there too.  Let us know.  
Wrt Lulu, at first pass, it doesn't look promising.  Their cost 
calculator is very limited but for a 250ct run, they want $3.69 per unit 
which is about 50% over what I'm (casually) finding nearby.  My sense is 
that Lulu may be "the" place for printed books & even marketing 
collateral but not necessarily DVDs, cases, inserts, etc.
Ah - the idea with lulu was to offer retail - so people just order a
copy - dvd/case/cover/insert - but never priced out the entire shibang
and as far as I can see it is jewel cases only.

Anyway - it was a thought only

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