On 07/29/2011 06:55 PM, ponsiarceds wrote:
tomcloyd wrote:
, On 07/28/2011 12:53 AM, Tom Cloyd wrote:
Ug. This is getting ugly really fast. I'm really not on home ground
here at all.
FWIW, here is a relatively painless way to install an older JRE along side
the default Ubuntu one.
( I'm using Ubuntu 10.10 64bit )
It definitely sped up my Base table browsing, but then I don't have any
binaries embedded in my tables. It has the bonus of not messing with the
existing JRE
1. Download the JRE archive (approx. 20 mb)
2. Extract in /tmp
3. as root, copy the extracted directory to /usr/lib/jvm
4. set this JRE as the JRE of choice in LO (Tools>Options>Java)
5. Exit LO& restart
1.Download jdk-6u21-linux-i586.bin (for i386) or jdk-6u21-linux-x64.bin for
x86_64 from
JRE archive at ORACLE . Save to /tmp
2.run it using: "sh jdk-6u21-linux-i586.bin" . The JRE is now extracted to
3. copy to /usr/lib/jvm "sudo cp -a jre1.6.0_21/ /usr/lib/jvm"
4. Exit& restart office. In Tools>Options>Java, choose 1.6.0_21. Exit&
restart office
5. Load you Base file& compare the speed.
If you want to remove it simply set the JRE back to the old one in
Tools>Options>Java& "sudo rm -rf /usr/lib/jvm/jre1.6.0_21/
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OK, NOW I'm blown away. I had jdk v.22 (from Ubuntu archives) installed
as an attempted improvement, and got about a 25% increase in speed.
Running now with v. 21 Base is unbelievably snappy and crisp. I've NEVER
had it perform like this for me. THIS is exactly what it needs to be.
Waaaay better than v. 22.
So, dammit, what will it take to get this fixed, I'm wondering...? I'll
follow through with that Steering committee phone call business, but if
the problem's java, then Oracle has to fix it. Well, this is quite a bit
above my pay grade.
What a fascinating thread this has been. Thanks to all.
Tom Cloyd, MS MA
(435) 272-3332
St. George/Cedar City, Utah
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- Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Base record access unacceptably slow (continued)
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