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It has turned out to be very interesting discussion. And surprise surprise that MS is dying a slow death. There have been comments on the early age of computing (when I wasn't even born) and worked on Intel branded crap hardware.
Nevertheless, this is the time to focus on the User Interface. The 
"ribbon interface" is not the "de-facto" standard but it becomes a 
frustrating exercise to get people to shift to a new software if they 
are used to seeing the familiar controls. I have faced this issue many 
times while trying to convince different users to shift to FOSS and this 
obviously is a big issue. I had raised the issue in local mailing lists 
(for Linux) and like bunch of retards professed their helplessness.
Hence, this is the time to seize the moment and bring out the dazzle. 
The latest version of Libre Office is brilliant (I am using Linux Mint 
10) and has done a great amount of work as far as the stability is 
concerned. There are excellent suggestions for working on the user 
interface and then it would squarely kick MS's ass (and groins) where it 
hurts them at the most.
Hope this helps.


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