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Hi :)
Sorry about my last post!  I'm just updating the antivirus on a handful of machines here.  A 
pointless and futile task imo.  I could be down the pub watching a band.  

Has anyone written to Avast to let them know they have another false-positive?
Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Thu, 15/12/11, M Robinson <> wrote:

From: M Robinson <>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: LibreOffice Portable
Date: Thursday, 15 December, 2011, 0:26

It is a first for me, I download OS's and other large files regularly.

Thanks, again.

On 12/14/2011 7:03 PM, David S. Crampton wrote:
I don't know why. Sorry experience suggested it. I have seen this
behavior on 3 different antivirus scanners over the years. All in
Windows OS. No useful user feedback.  Not even an event registered to
event logs.

If you download a lot you might see it in other downloads. I answered a
similar question in this forum about a month ago. Same thing.

I can see it in theory. The scanner is looking for "tokens" or sequences
of binary code that are associated with virus / worm executables.  It's
not improbable that a huge download, using compression, would generate
enough of similar looking binary string to trigger a false positive.

Why the antivirus scanner doesn't tell you what's happened? Mystery.

I'm glad you got it,

On Wed, 14 Dec 2011 15:30:52 -0800, M Robinson <>

That worked. Why does that work?
I'm using Avast 6.0.1367, and it hasn't thrown any flags while silently
killing ONLY LibreOffice Portable downloads.

On 12/14/2011 6:14 PM, David S. Crampton wrote:
Try to turn off your realtime antivirus scanner. Unload it or stop the

On Wed, 14 Dec 2011 13:33:40 -0800, Pedro <> wrote:

M Robinson wrote
         What's the story with LibreOffice Portable, I've been
trying to
download the file since PortableApps released version 10. It doesn't
matter which site a attempt to download from I end up with an
file of 19.9 MB, the downloads start with a file side of 121 MB.

That seems to be a problem with the PortableApps mirrors or your
Try to get LibreOffice separately from

In any case you should ask at the PortableApps forum since
LibreOffice or
TDF can't help you on this problem ;)

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