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On 07/05/2012 at 13:49, Brian Barker <> wrote:

Sorry, but this doesn't work.  The new field will read "Drawing = 
Illustration+1" - not "Illustration = Illustration+1", as it needs 
to.  This means that the modified field will give the correct 
illustration number for this illustration, but the next illustration 
will repeat the same number (and any later illustrations have numbers 
one too small), and any later drawings will in general have wrong 
numbers too.  That's why there is a problem.
You are right. I checked only for two images and it seemed to be working. Too 
bad it is really not.

Perhaps workaround presented in your post is the only way to achieve what 
Gergely was asking (apart from editing content.xml in odt file, of course).
Don't you think this is serious UI issue? Maybe it should be raised on UI list 
or reported as bug?
Best regards
Mirosław Zalewski

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