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Linux 3.1.10-1.9-desktop x86_64
System:  openSUSE 12.1 (x86_64)
KDE:  4.7.2 (4.7.2) "release 5"
LibreOffice: 3.4.5  OOO340m1 (Build:1505)
Printing to:  Epson CX9400 FAX/Scan/Print/Copy device attached to my wife's
12.1 box in the other room (via Samba)
Driver: Epson Stylus CX9400F - CUPS+Gutenprint v5.2.7 (color, 2-sided

Haven't had time to read through the wiki although I did read several topics
of the help files, which didn't seem to answer the question about why the
border layer doesn't print when all layers are enabled.  But I'm also quite
a newbie to creating a "layered" document.  I most commonly only use word
processing or spreadsheeting functions.

In any case, I eventually got the result I wanted, but it takes 2 passes
through the printer to do it.
I first *disable* printing of the "border layer" and print the document with
all other layers enabled.
Then I put the sheet back in the printer and print with the border layer now
enabled and the Color Bar and Text layers *disabled*.  There's more than one
way to skin a cat as they say...kinda gruesome but it seems a well
recognized phrase.  

When looking at the "print preview" with all layers enabled it all looks
fine.  But it sure wouldn't print those borders for some reason.  I did try
"arranging" the various parts of the image.  Bring to front, move to back,
etc. but it seemed to have no effect on the output.

Thanks for taking a look!

Tom wrote
Hi :)
Hmmm, could you upload the file to Nabble so that we could all have a
look?  Which Operating System are you using;  Xp, some other Windows,
Ubuntu, some other Gnu&Linux, Mac?  Also any idea which version of

Chapter 11 in official documentation might help
errr, the wiki-page has 3rd party documentation and drafts that are going
through 'final' proof-reading as well as the guides for the 3.3.x that
were published on the official LibreOffice website. 
Regards from
Tom :)

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