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Le 01/03/14 08:57 PM, Robinson Tryon a écrit :
On Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 9:39 AM, Eliane Domingos de Sousa
<> wrote:
Hi Sophie,

I agree with you when you say the program will be online, but still, I think
the people are very visuals, I mean, propagate the logo with the date 2 to 5
can be confusing.
Right -- there are actually 2 issues here:

1) The primary conference events/talks start on the 3rd, not the 2nd

2) The term "community day" may be confusing. We have meetings for ESC
and the Board, but (AFAIK) not for other parts of the community.

I always try to be in the other side when I read
A good policy :-) So what would make sense for us? What about adding
something to the 2nd?

- A meeting or two for the community (QA? Docs?)

- A small event later in the day for both the community and other
attendees? Perhaps just meet up for drinks?


Just to add my opinion:

Our real LiboCon runs from Sep 3-5 and the 2nd is our (the TDF/LibreOffice community membership day) to talk of internal matters/policy/planning etc. IMO, we should put the dates 2-5th on the logo, and when the logo appears on our site, we should make it clear that the date of the Sep. 2, is the day for TDF/LibreOffice community membership only.
This may in fact help in promoting and convincing LibreOffice 
contributors to apply for membership before the conference, and, we 
could plan on accepting applications for membership a month or so before 
the conference so that new members could have a chance to come to the 
conference on Sep 2.


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