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Hi John,

On Mon, 2010-10-25 at 06:15 -0700, John Lee Castle wrote:
First try at this ... single vcl patch attached.
        Great - thanks :-)

Fixed unit conversion table initialization so there are no more
compiler warnings and no more zero entries...
        Good catch.

Relevant changes below, 
dont know where all the +/- blank lines came from,
        Ah - this comes from the git hook demanding no extra whitespace at the
end of lines I suspect.

any suggestions on a better code editor than gedit? 
        emacs ! (or vi) ;-) then again, I know some people have used gedit for
programming, but its not for me.

        Pushed the patch; what piece of OO.o interests you most to hack
on ? :-)



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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