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On Wed, 29 Dec 2010 06:57:27 -0800, Cesare Leonardi <>

Sorry for breaking the thread, i was not subscribed to the list when this message was posted.
Octavio Alvarez wrote:
There is this really annoying behavior:
0. Open Writer.
1. Create a table, say 3 x 3.
2. Place the cursor in a cell.
3. Type some text, like asdfasdfasdfasdf.
4. Using the mouse, place the cursor in the middle of the asdf-word.
5. Using the keyboard go left and right and left and right...

Notice how the cursor disappears. You don't know where exactly are you
at a particular moment.
I've tried to reproduce this in rc1 as packaged on Debian experimental  
and the cursor didn't disappear. It seems to work well.
Under Windows 2000 seem to behave like you say, but i'm not sure since  
now i'm using the pc remotely through VNC.
Under Linux you should notice the cursor doesn't immediately disappear,
but it moves and then quickly blinks off (where it should blink on). So
no, it doesn't "disappear" as such. That's why using it over VNC makes the
problem more apparent.

Maybe trying it on Linux over VNC makes it more apparent too.


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