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Le 2010-10-22 09:01, Gabriel Gurley a écrit :
Hi Marc and everyone,

I apologize for not participating in this discussion earlier. It's been quite a hectic 3-4 weeks on my end. But I wanted to touch base and introduce myself to everyone here.
I am an educator and author in New York State (USA), and have made 
available a number of open-licensed learning resources for use by 
academic institutions and self-learners.  These resources include 
textbooks for in-class instructional purposes, online course packages, 
educational slide presentations and more.  These resources can be 
found on my website.
My experience in academia includes IT tech support, an Information 
Systems instructor and academic department administrator.  I have 
installed and taught open source software applications within an 
academic environment for over 5 years, and have seen the enormous 
benefits OSS has in teaching computer literacy.
I wish to extend my assistance to the LibO project in any capacity I 
can.  I look forward to the continued discussions about how this 
project could assist and be of benefit to the education community.  I 
hope my work could be of benefit to the project and am happy to make 
any contributions I can to it.
Best regards,
Gabriel Gurley
Educator and Author

Welcome to the US marketing team Gabriel. It is great to have you 
on-board. It will be great to have your advice on marketing the LibO 
suite in the Education field. Once we organise ourselves a little 
formally we will then be able to spearhead project a little more 


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