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Hi ~:)
Errr, not sure if this is relevant but the Docs Team have talked about getting rid of all their 
non-standard 'newly' named styles and get right back down to just using the defaults.  The 'new' 
ones have names such as "ooo-heading1" so you can see why i'm being a bit sarcastic about the word 
"new"!  However their team is not large enough to do more than just work through the official user 
guides so i don't see anything that radical happening any time soon.
Regards from 
Tom :)  

From: Yury Tarasievich <>
Sent: Tuesday, 23 July 2013, 11:25
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-l10n] Fwd: Re: issue 67093: mix between Title and Header in various l10n

Actually, I mean changing both:
1) Heading -> Heading Base Style
2) Title -> Document title

And yes, other root (not-for-end-user) styles 
might be changed on the lines of (1), too. 
Wouldn't hurt, would reduce confusion. However, 
such change would quite an undertaking, as the 
basic set of stylenames is hardcoded in source. 
I don't see it happening...


On 07/23/2013 12:54 PM, Niklas Johansson wrote:
Do you mean changing Heading to Heading Base Style?
The style thats called Title is not the base
style of the headings, it's rather the
document/book title.
Since there are other styles based on Heading
could we run into trouble if we change the name?

If we change Heading to Heading Base Style then
what about other styles that serve as "base
For example: Index, Caption, List.
Other base styles that is used more as a normal
styles includes Text body, Table Contents.

Should it be a question for UX-advise?


Yury Tarasievich skrev 2013-07-23 11:32:
Or, even better (?), rename it to the tune of
"Heading Base Style".


On 07/23/2013 12:11 PM, Niklas Johansson wrote:

For future versions of LibreOffice wouldn't it
be a good idea to change the English string from
Title to Main Title? Or is it wrong to call it

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