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On Sunday, 20 April 2014, M. Fioretti <> wrote:

On Sat, Apr 19, 2014 23:44:20 PM -0700, Owen Genat wrote:
M. Fioretti wrote
Summarizing, it seems I need some efficient way to tell Calc, when it
opens that file, that all the cells of a certain column, except the
header, are NUMBERS, not text, in the -1234.12 format.
What Mirosław Zalewski has suggested upthread is essentially correct. The
data formats must match the language used (usually the locale) on import.
The solutions are to either: (a) edit the data to contain data formats
in the expected language; (b) change the expected language on the Text
Import dialogue to match the used data formats. For a numeric format of
-100.25 try selecting a Language of "English (US)" or equivalent on the
Import dialog.
as I wrote in the email you replied to, this is exactly what I have been
doing so far. And it doesn't work, or isn't enough.


M. Fioretti         

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Hi, don't know if this helps but, I have seen the same thing in LO and
other programs too. Zotero, under windows 8.1.1. English (Ireland), where
LO was in English, but the files coming from Italian versons kept the
definitions as they would be Italian instead of Irish (as the locale was
Irish English). For Zotero the program "decided" the locale based on the IP
of the machine (don't know why) and needed an config change. For LO files
from Italian source they needed to be saved as "new name" and the locale

Could it be that for some reason programs also look at your IP address and
when seeing that it is in X-location (western) assume that your system
locale is based on that IP zone. I have seen that when moving my PC from
Italy to Finland e.g. Why this happens I have no idea.

The above might be a long shoot but since it happens for some programs
might be a worth to check out.

Heikki T. Jussila

Heikki Jussila
via Matteotti 6 int. 8
I-56124 Pisa (PI)
mobile: +39 335 5352917
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