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On Thu, 2013-05-23 at 02:42 +0400, LRN wrote:
Any HOWTOs for developing Python-UNO extensions for LO? In particular,
about GUI?
I know that new LO versions have vastly improved UI design process (with
Glade UI definitions).
Yes, please.  A BLOB post of a wiki page covering how to do that would
be *fabulous*;  do that and next time your in west Michigan I'll buy the

Back in the day i've ported OOoFBTools to LO [1], but i knew next to
nothing about LO infrastructure back then, so the result was far from
I'm aiming at refactoring the code, updating it to work with LO4, etc. I
want to [try to] do it The Right Way™ this time.
Thanks for posting the link;  it is always nice to find some non-trivial
demonstration of PyUNO usage

Adam Tauno Williams <> GPG D95ED383
Systems Administrator, Python Developer, LPI / NCLA


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