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On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 7:04 PM, NoOp wrote:
On 09/28/2011 12:08 AM, Jean-Baptiste Faure wrote:
Le 28/09/2011 08:59, a écrit :
Dear sirs,

I have noticed, that in LibreOffice 3.4.3 there is a missing item.
When you go to Tools, Macros, you will find, that in the sub-menu of Macros, there is no option 
for Recording Macro (making a macro).
This error you will find in Writer, Calc and Impress as well. And it might be missing in the 
other modules, but I have not checked this.
"The macro recording functionality is only available for text
documents in LibreOffice Writer and for spreadsheets in LibreOffice
See also: Writer > Help <F1>
Index: macros;recording

Please, inform me if this item will be corrected.
You have to enable experimental features : Tools > Options > LibreOffice >
I wonder why that is not documented in 'Help':
Recording a Macro
1. Open the document for which you want to record a macro.
2. Choose Tools - Macros - Record Macro.
You see the small Recording dialog with just one button called Stop
Note: Prior to enabling via 'Enable experimental (unstable) features '
in 3.3.4 the option is on the menu but greyed out. In 3.4.3 it is not
available at all before enabling.
Bug 38509 - Meaningless text and missing Help for Options Dialog
checkbox "Experimental (unstable) features"
[Status: ASSIGNED]


Writer headers and footers revisited

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