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Hi Drew,  

I apologize for the delay in replying to your message, but hope you had a
great holiday season.  It's been extremely busy here on this end during the

@Gabriel looking at the events calendar today I was wondering if there
is anything in particular you would like for the conference?

Right now everything is looking good for FOSSVT.  They do have some vendor
displays / booths at the conference, and I will investigate whether that
would be a possibility for me to coordinate and setup for LibreOffice /
TDF.  In the past, I donated copies of my book, as well as
OOoAuthor-published books, for door prizes at the conference.  And my
intention is to do something similar this year.

Anyway - looks like it will be an interesting event and from the website
there I wandered to some New England LUG websites. Looks like quite a
bit of activity in the VT/NH/ME area. 

Yes, there is quite a bit of activity in the Northeast / New England
states as it relates to the use of open source applications in academia. 
The area tends to be very progressive as it relates to adopting and
developing uses for open source software in the classroom.

Also, I suppose this is as good an email as any for this question.

In thinking about items for display on LibreOffice tables at upcoming
conferences in an earlier email a copy of "Getting Started with
LibreOffice 3.3" made perfect sense. I know you have some published
works for and was wondering if you have any LibreOffice
works in the pipeline? 

Well, I usually don't pre-announce much of my work, simply because release
schedules can change due to other responsibilities I have.  But since the
subject has come up, I will say that I am in the process of doing quite a
bit of revision and developing new materials as it relates to my learning
guides and resources, including a textbook, online course packages,
supplemental learning materials and some new materials unlike anything I
have released before.  And, yes, I intend to release them for use with
LibreOffice. :-)  I will provide more details on this list, as well as the
Documentation list, as soon as previews of the works are ready.

If so I would really like to acquire a copy of anything you have coming
specifically for this display usage at events. Not to mention also
directly thinking about our supporting the authors actions by ensuring
that we use our contact time with the user base at these conferences to
let them know about what works are available.

Thank you very much, and I am happy to assist the project in any capacity
I can.  As soon as I can get past the next week or so, I hope to reply in
further detail regarding a number of topics as it relates to LibreOffice in

Best regards,

Gabriel Gurley
Educator and Author

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