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I don't know if cygwin is needed to print Avery labels, but
I can tell you that you can install cygwin on your computer
if you want to.  I had it installed when I was on windows,
and I believe it is a simple install and uninstall.


On 7/22/23 11:04, wrote:

LO (, Windows 10) crashed when I tried to do a quick job with labels. To use sheet labels (Avery 5160) in a non-standard orientation (Landscape (W>H) for the page, which means Portrait (H>W) for the label), I simply defined a table (10-col x 3-row) to fill the page. Then I had text in labels, and Images (arrows) anchored To_Paragraph (to the cell's text paragraph). That seemed fine until it crashed -- and after Recovery, most of the Images were Hidden.
So I tried to "unhide" the Hidden Images using a 
copy-to-another-document method recommended in a thread from 
16.Oct.2020 at, and it crashed again -- at which 
point I turned my attention to the crash report 
It shows:
Crash Address     0x148
Crash Thread     0
Signature IsSelectFrameAnchoredAtPara(SwPosition_const_&,SwPosition_const_&,SwPosition_const_&,DelContentType <,SwPosition%20const%20&,SwPosition%20const%20&,DelContentType)>
The record for Crash Thread 0 says:

    Module    swlo.dll
    Source C:\cygwin64\home\buildslave\source\libo-core\sw\source\core\undo\undobj.cxx:1672
But that leaves me seriously lost regarding how to read this and 
contribute to a report, because there is no C:\cygwin64\ on the 
system!  Besides moving this job to LO on Ubuntu 20 (my next step), 
can someone advise how to read and report this LO/Windows bug?

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