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Le 2010-10-12 20:34, Paul A Norman a écrit :
I appreciate you doing this, and at the risk of hi-jacking this thread, perhaps we can also request 
that LibO developers put some thought into resolving the long list of counter-intuitive and 
unnecessarily complex ways of going about things that currently plague OOo from text wrapping in 
Impress to watermarks in Writer to the intransigence of bullets to be indented, etc.  These kinds 
of small incremental modifications would, I think, help make LibO more successful.
This would probably warrant a whole forum level of its own, and would
provide a valuable resource for developers. Ironing out a list of such
things from the very beginning woud definetly put the development
process into getting LiBO right uo "there", well ahead.

OOO has in a sense grown incrementally - with the consequence of some
things being added on top of things or grafted in, and is this new
venture going to provide the oppertunity to identify what those things
may be, and set things straight before more layers are added on top?

Hopefully :)

On 13 October 2010 12:07, AG<>  wrote:
On 09/10/10 22:23, Scott Furry wrote:
  LibreOffice Community,

As suggested, this post is intended to get the opinion of the community
about how best to deliver LibreOffice to its users.

Given that LibreOffice is an important and viable alternative to paid-for
office productivity software, and we all feel strongly and passionately
about the direction of LibreOffice, input about the community members'
expectations/needs/users is needed.

- Linux users have discussed vast amounts opinions on packaging in Linux.
Some have questioned if distributing packages is a good thing.

This survey is to gauge the views of the LibreOffice community on the
install/update method of LibreOffice. Please voice your opinion so that
these considerations may be taken into account when the LibreOffice method
of install/update is studied by the developer team. Please *bottom-post*
your opinions.

How do you expect LibreOffice to be updated?
As a Debian GNU/ Linux user my system benefits from the most advanced
package update/ maintenance system (apt), so as long as the Deb package
maintainers can package LibO, that would be my preferred way of having it
installed and updated

How do you Install/Update LibreOffice?
See above.

What do you expect when Installing/Updating LibreOffice?
No unmet dependencies, for the installation to clear up any cruft and
obsolete packages.

Other programs have separate updating programs (iTunes being an example),
if it was technically feasible, would having a separate install program for
LibreOffice (with updating features) be useful to you?
Personally, no.

Would having a download and update site, as well as a Unix|Linux package
repository site, be of value to you?
Yes, for general purposes and potential new users from the world of
Slackware or distros without advanced package management systems (better
watch out for flames now from angry Slackers!!)


Please note that I am not affiliated with DocumentFoundation. I am like
you, a community member who wants to see LibreOffice be very successful.
I appreciate you doing this, and at the risk of hi-jacking this thread,
perhaps we can also request that LibO developers put some thought into
resolving the long list of counter-intuitive and unnecessarily complex ways
of going about things that currently plague OOo from text wrapping in
Impress to watermarks in Writer to the intransigence of bullets to be
indented, etc.  These kinds of small incremental modifications would, I
think, help make LibO more successful.


So let's hear what you think folks?

Scott Furry

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This survey was started to collect the data/thoughts/opinions that were 
aired in 3-4-5 different threads. The hope is that the thread will 
serve/help devs in getting a better picture of the community's 
expectations at this point.

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