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Hi Jacobo,

On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 01:34:18PM +0100, Jacobo Aragunde Pérez <> wrote:
Copying the information in the theme and the styles files when pasting
things is probably not a viable idea, but maybe we should transform the
theme format into direct format when pasting the text to a new document.
Hmm, shouldn't we already convert that to direct formatting on import?
Otherwise if saving as ODT, the correct font will be lost, I assume.

We do this already for table styles (applying the style as direct
formatting during import).

What do you think? And if you agree, where I should start reading code? ;)
Copy&paste is handled by copying the selected SwPaM to a "clipboard
document" on Ctrl-C, and then copying from that document to the real one
on Ctrl-V. SwFEShell's Copy() and Paste() methods are probably what
you're looking for.

However, as mentioned above, I think it would be better to handle this
on import, not during editing.


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