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On 30/04/2020 03:34, Olivier Hallot wrote:
The way information is presented to the non-developer is sub-optimal.
Pre-Doxygen sdk was much easier to navigate and get information as the
ues cases below
What exactly do you mean with "pre-Doxygen sdk"?  (IIRC, Doxygen has 
been introduced to replace OOo's autodoc first for generation of the C++ 
API documentation and then for generation of the UNOIDL API documentation.)
With installed sdk in his computer at
What exactly is installed there? 
as currently available at <>?
Let's suppose I am a candidate to macro programming and want to

Use case 1 : Search for ThisComponent -> no matches
Search how?  I find no ability to search on 
<file:///opt/libreoffice6.4/sdk/index.html>.  (Did you mean the search 
field at the top right of 
<file:///opt/libreoffice6.4/sdk/docs/idl/ref/index.html>, reached from 
<file:///opt/libreoffice6.4/sdk/index.html> via "IDL Reference"?  But 
then, "ThisComponent" is not a term related to LO's UNOIDL API, so no 
matches is a plausible outcome there.)


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