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On Thu, 2012-02-23 at 12:28 -0800, Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon &
Hannah wrote:
Date sent:            Thu, 23 Feb 2012 10:50:00 +0000 (GMT)
From:                 Tom Davies <>

Hi :)
Hah!  That's just an attempt to get me to think you're not a bot: I know your 
tricks!  :-)

1st step is to get an OpenID.  This link might help
The disadvantage of using OpenID is that people will have to already be
registered at one of the sites that allow you to set-up an OpenID.  Sadly askLO
doesn't seem to be one of them yet so it means being registered elsewhere.  The
list in the link i just gave doesn't seem to be complete as i am sure i got one
OpenID though registering at one of the Ubuntu forums ages ago, probably the one.
Thank you.  I'll have to have a look at that.
Actually you openId will come from you may have
gotten it at the forums, but that is the OpenID registrar for the site.

But back to the issue at hand - @Rob did you try sending a message from
the feedback link at the askLibO site? Any reply yet (though I suppose
given the post here that is likely a no)



On the positive side you probably already have an OpenId and just didn't really
notice that was what you were signing up for.  
Possible, but not probable.  As a security specialist, I tend to take a good look at 
what's happening  :-)

However chances are that Drew can probably help as he is a tad brilliant. 
All, helpful so far: thank you.

(However, as much as I appreciate the help on my personal problem, my initial 
posting was, actually, in response to someone who said that the existence of 
askLO would help remove some of the "noobies" from the discussion on the 
mailing list.  My point was that the askLO site is not quite as user friendly as it 
could be, and thus is not as likely to deal with that kind of issue ...)

======================  (quote inserted randomly by Pegasus Mailer)
A European says, `I can't understand this, what's wrong with me?'
An American says, `I can't understand this, what's wrong with
      him?'                               - Terry Pratchett (author)

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