On 01/21/2011 02:56 PM, Dotan Cohen wrote:
On Sat, Jan 22, 2011 at 00:46, NoOp <snipped> wrote:
You should file it on buzilla:
I filed on the OOo bugzilla as it is reproducible there:
However, this is an LO list & LO devs work w/bugs.freedesktop.org
bugzilla. OOo is a completely different issue.
Yes, I know that most of the code is similar/same, but if you want it
fixed in LO you'll need to file a bug as mentioned above.
Further, on your OOo bug, it's generally helpful if you provide the full
versionrc so that those devs know exactly which version of OOo you are
using & if you are using OOo standard, or a distro modified (aka
Ubuntu'ized) version. Easiest way is to provide the output of the
versionrc file for the version you are using (please do the same when
filing an LO bug).
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