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Hi Marcus,

On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 21:13, Marcus Pedersén <> wrote:
Hi all!
I am interested in beeing a part of libreoffice.
Great, you are welcome!

I have never been in an open source project before and is new to git.
I do not want to commit myself properly until novemer as I am reading a
network course at the university til then.
But after that I will be able to put 5-10 hours a week into it.
I have written code in C++ and I realy like that language.
I am interested in coding and as I am from sweden I would be able to
help out with translation into swedish.
I was thinking that I should start out to clone the repro and start
looking at code and become familiar with at least parts of it.
so I did:
git clone git:// myLocalDir
That is the second step. :)  First make sure you have the dependencies
in place to be able to build LO. The third step is to download the
actual source code, you find the instructions on all this here:

The wiki contains a lot of other useful info:

I started to run through directories to find the code, but I can not see
the structure.
I do not have the same dir structure as it shows in:

Where do I think wrong or what do I miss?

I have searched the net but haven't found what I am missing.
I am sorry if my questions are dumb and on a real low level, but I realy
want to learn and help out as much as I can.

Many thanks!

LibreOffice mailing list

Keep on asking if you run into trouble.

Best Regards,



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