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On Tue, 2012-05-29 at 07:53 -0700, V Stuart Foote wrote:
Happy to cobble together a couple of clean Win7sp1 systems (32bit, 64bit)
with JRE 1.7.4, Java Access Bridge 2.0.2, NVDA 2012.1 and LibreOffice
3.5.4rc2  to capture the faults.

But for posting "stack- trace" what would folks prefer (be able to use)  to
efficiently pin down the issue under Windows, JRE or the JAB?
        I suspect you'd do best with a windows master snapshot built with debug
symbols .pdb files; unfortunately I've not had much luck here, either
with Jesus' builds or the new tinderbox debug builds - the .pdb files
mismatch the binaries or are not there.

Also, could load Dr. Memory and work with one of the
/win32-debug/libreoffice-3-5 installer packages if that is preferred,
although the 3.5.4rc1 dev version is not yet posted.
        Yep - problem is, we barely startup under DrMemory :-) there are some
rather odd things going on there I think - then again, perhaps some of
those have been fixed in the most recent versions, so you might have
more luck. My DrMemory crashed pretty fast running LibreOffice though -
we do some unusual things for an application ;-)

        The best trace would prolly come from windbg for a build with symbols I



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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