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Here is what the design team recommends

And of course the later the party the nicer the guests.

On 26.02.2018 19:07, Wols Lists wrote:
On 14/02/18 21:05, Caolán McNamara wrote:
As mostly an aside, but maybe worth mentioning to clarify how some of
this works under the hood, is that there is both "font substitution"
and "glyph substitution" going on. Font substitution is what's shown
here, LibreOffice asks for a font and gets a different one back because
the original is not available.
Very late to the party, sorry, but is there any way to add an easy
interface that will let the user know (a) that font substitution has
taken place, and (b) what font has been substituted?

I try and keep fonts in sync across my systems, but it's a regular
source of frustration.


Dr. Heiko Tietze
UX designer
Tel. +49 (0)179/1268509

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