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Hi Kendy,

I've two questions concerning the wikihelp/HC2, there is no emergency for the answer, I know you're busy, but I don't want to forget to ask ;)
Currently in the HC2 files, pages are composed by a mix of embedded 
chunks and local strings. We use two files to get the KID of the string, 
to display the embedded chunks, the .xhp tree and the OS dependent parts 
in order to do l10n QA on the files.
I've added a screen shot of the result to my page on the wiki [1].

How somebody contributing to the wikihelp will see these embedded parts or OS specific parts. How will he knows that it should not make it to much particular to a certain page because it will appear elsewhere on other pages in the HC2?
Some pages are mostly composed by embedded chunks, if those embedded 
part are removed, would that mean we will have to duplicate the 
Kind regards



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