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On 16/03/2023 23:12, Regina Henschel wrote:
Hi Steve,

Steve Edmonds schrieb am 16.03.2023 um 01:13:
Hi, on the off chance I will be pleasantly surprised, can a function act on a range.
i.e can I do something like =AVERAGE(ABS($Sheet1.B28:$Sheet19.B28)) 
to average the absolute value of the numbers in the range.
The above seems to return only the last value of the range. I can 
achieve this with an intermediate column on every sheet.
Enter it as array-function. That is using "Ctrl-Shift-Enter" instead 
of "Enter" or mark the "Array" checkbox in the Function Wizard.
Kind regards,

Do you mean like {=AVERAGE(ABS($Sheet1.B30:$Sheet19.B30) )} as this gives a 504 error and =AVERAGE({ABS($Sheet1.B30:$Sheet19.B30)} ) and {=AVERAGE({ABS($Sheet1.B30:$Sheet19.B30)} )} both give a 539 error.
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