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Hi Kami,

On Wed, 2011-01-19 at 08:10 +0100, Kálmán „KAMI” Szalai wrote:
Any news around this topic?
        None that I recall - it's just down to Coverity I guess :-) perhaps
contacting David directly might help. David - previously the coverity output was virtually ignored; we can do better
as LibreOffice :-) is it possible to get added to ?

        Thoughts ?


2010-10-04 18:27 keltezéssel, Michael Meeks írta: 
Hi there,

    It would be wonderful if we could get LibreOffice covered by the
Coverity Scan. LibreOffice ( based on [ cf. ] ) is now a vendor neutral code-base, managed
for the benefit of the community (including several companies), and of
course we are using a Free Software license.

    Furthermore, we have lots of new blood looking for interesting, and
digestible hacking problems, and I suspect your results would help
greatly with this.

    Details on how to get the source are here:

    Although, the main bulk of the source is checked out from git during
the 'download' process, the repositories can be seen here:

    Hopefully, since you covered before it shouldn't be
impossible to get covered (?) :-)

    Many thanks,


Best regards,

Kálmán „KAMI” Szalai | 神 | kami911 [at] gmail [dot] com

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