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On Sun Nov 07 2010 18:18:14 GMT-0800 (PST)  Dave Johnson wrote:
Ian, I wanted to get certified via the "" web-page but alas I cannot. I am in the 
United States. How cam I get certified so I can effectively market LibO here in the United States? I want to 
offer training and support to my customers.

What can I do?
Good luck.  I have been looking for something like this for over a year. 
 I found several web site that offer "Training" but none seem to have 
any type of requirements that can be measured.  I even joined the OOo 
Certification project but all I have seen is a lot of talk.  From what I 
have seen the US does not have a national program like the one that is 
being talked about for the EU.  I have not found anything that would 
give us the same type of system.  Mostly it is a "state" thing, not 
national.  Still looking though and will let you know if I find anything 

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