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OK, having now rebooted, LO seems to be displaying the results of the formulas again. That's a relief, and no doubt it's the reboot that solved the issue. Wish I understood why such things happen, but in any case, thanks for pushing me in that direction.
As for:
Also with Mac i think  updates and even installing stuff seldom demands a reboot?
Correct. In some cases with OS updates, reboot is required, but not usually. Mac may also have a way to re-open all the last work after a shutdown, but I haven't looked into it yet (Safari browser does this, so maybe Apple thought about it for the entire OS). I do hope to look into Linux and the like one day...

With Ubuntu there is some setting that allows you to make the start-up procedure open up everything 
that you had open when you shut-down.  There might be something similar on Mac but i don't know of 
good places to find out.  There must be forums or soemthing worth asking.

Apols and regards from
Tom :)

From: Carl Paulsen <>
Sent: Thursday, 13 December 2012, 12:25
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Formulas in Calc not showing results

It's not the downtime but rather all the work that's open that I have to
keep track of, decide how to save and then close.  It's hard to explain
but given I work 3-4 different jobs at once and am working on new tools
that I don't know very well yet, I'm always reluctant to reboot.
Obviously I'll have to change that.

And I too can shut down processes individually on my Mac, but I don't
always know what ones apply to what programs.  Sounds easier than it is...

I'm still wondering why it's happening, and why LO is now opening the
CSV files (no re-start or re-boot yet).  In the latter case, obviously
re-starting or re-booting didn't matter.  This is all a lot more
complicated that just re-booting.


On 12/13/12 1:39 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
Lol, +1

Even on Gnu&Linux distros (mainly Ubuntu ime tbh) it's a good plan to do a reboot to ensure that 
services that are normally on haven't been stopped temporarily without you really being aware of it.  Of 
course in Gnu&Linux you could restart individual processes in order to avoid any down-time at all but 
on a desktop or mobile machine a couple of minutes of downtime is unlikely to matter much.

Regards from
Tom :)

From: Brian Barker <>
Sent: Wednesday, 12 December 2012, 22:21
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Formulas in Calc not showing results

At 16:35 12/12/2012 -0500, Carl Paulsen wrote:
Restart the software or reboot the computer sometimes helps these odd glitches.
You mean that you didn't try this before asking your question?!

Brian Barker

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Carl Paulsen

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Carl Paulsen

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