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On Thu, 2012-12-13 at 14:00 +0100, Lubos Lunak wrote:
 I think it shouldn't be that difficult to write a Clang plugin that finds all 
uses of SvStream::operator<</>> , checks whether the variable read to is 
initalized [*] , and possibly it shouldn't be even that big deal to have it 
rewrite them to a series of SvStream::readInt32() etc. calls (i.e. EasyHack 
fdo#56110). I have not written yet any howto on plugins besides the examples 
under compilerplugins/, but if there would be interest, I could do something.
        Oooh ! that would be really lovely :-)

[*] Or, since I assume all those variables have been needlessly initialized 
just in attempt to silence the broken warning with the wretched gcc thing on 
Apple, the check will need to be more complicated and find if the initializer 
is not the default value for the type.
        Yep - I guess so !

        Would rather improve the robustness of our filters I suspect.

        Marc - now that's a real fun / hacking task - are you interested ? :-)



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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