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On Mar 1, 2011, at 04:48 , NoOp wrote:

On 02/28/2011 06:52 AM, James Wilde wrote:
On Feb 28, 2011, at 00:50 , NoOp wrote:
I'd be willing to bet that you have the Ubuntu libreoffice PPA.
What do you show for:

$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list | grep libreoffice

Can you also show the output of:

$ apt-cache policy libreoffice

Thanks, NoOp.  I decided to google on it, and discovered that I was
lacking a repository in my Synaptic.  Fixed that last night, and now
I have LioB installed.  Must just update it with the UK, Swedish and
Chinese dictionaries and stuff.
Hope that works for you. Personally, unless I were testing/contributing
for Ubuntu, I'd take ZenWiz's advise and install from the libreoffice

I have issues with a PPA/package that insists on uninstalling (or
insisting that I uninstall) an existing OOo install simply because the
packager can't figure out how to install (or is too lazy to do so) the
LO package without affecting existing office packages.
 I wonder just how many would find it acceptable if the LO PPA also
removed all other office packages (Abiword for instance) in the process?
Or if the TDF .deb required that you uninstalled your distro OOo before
installing. Amazing...

Please remember to report issues in launchpad & specify that you are
running the PPA version. Also, if you report issues here, please do the
same (specify that you are running a distro PPA version).
My reply was not intended as a rejection of your suggestion, NoOp.  It was simply that, in the 
intervening period, I had manually removed OOo, and managed to find out what I needed to do to get 
the LibO repository registered in Ubuntu.  Amazing, as an aside, how quickly one's knowledge of 
unix commands disappears when one stops using them.  Since I retired I guess about 90% of what was 
once automatic has evaporated.

Since I now have LibO on the machine, albeit from the ppa, I'll see how I get on with that one.  
I'll test adding the UK, Swedish and Chinese language packs, and see if they find the original US 
version, and if, so, I'm happy.  I'm not in linux all that often nowadays.  If not, I'll unload and 
reload from the LibO site version as you and others have suggested.

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