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Tested the North American Community DVD I have been working on. Here are 
the notes from my test.
I tested the DVD on a DELL Inspiron 1525 running Vista.

Installed the Windows all-lang [all languages] by saving it to the hard drive and running the .exe file, since it will not install directly though the HTML page due to a FireFox browser security feature, IE has an run directly option I almost never use..
Choose several languages using the “custom install” option, mainly 
Hebrew, French, Brazil Portuguese, Spanish, German, Swedish, Dutch 
{**and maybe others I forgot to write down}.
Under “Tools/Options/Language Settings” I looked at the “User Interface” 
and the list goes in this order:
        Default – English (USA)
        Dutch (Netherlands)
        English (South Africa){**}
        English (UK) {**}
        English (USA)
        French (France)
        German (Germany)
        Portuguese (Brazil)
        Spanish (Spain)
        Swedish (Sweden)

On the CTL font option, Hebrew, Nepali (Nepal), Thai, were showing check marks, but I did not install Nepali or Thai.
Add Ons already in the Extension Manager – omitting all of the Dictionaries.
        presentation minimizer
        presentation console
        report builder
        solver for nonlinear programming
        sun pdf import extension
        sun odf template pack en-us
        wiki publisher
        writers tools – reported an error for the version installed (1.1.x)
                This NEEDS correction from the developers.

.oxt Extension install from the DVD – not from the HTML pages – easier that way if you know what to do. I did use the DVD to click on two extensions from the HTML page and saved them onto a folder on my laptop and installed them that way. I works fine but you have the extra step. The FireFox browser will not allow for the run-from-the-web-page as a security feature. IE does not work half the time trying to view online site, but it worked OK for the DVD, but I do not like the run-from-the web-page option instead of saving it first.
I Alt-Clicked on the following groupings of files:

add-ons-templates folder
    autotext emoticons
    compose special characters
    language tools
writers tools – 1.9.1 – replaced the included one with this update on the DVD
add-on-gallery-clipart {installed the entire list in that folder}
    alpha blocks
    arrows 3D
    at the beach
    award ribbons
    creative commons clipart
    eurooffice online clipart
    galeria blueman {do not remember why I added this in the
                            folder but it is not in the HTML page}
    gallery signaux danger
    praise words
    shinny and magic

    ooo blank labels
    ooo design labels
    ooop accessories
    ooop accessories nonfree
    ooop templates separated all
    ooop templates unified en-us
    sun odf templace 2 en-us  {since pack one was included}
    pinaco drawings
    pinaco labels
    pinaco templates

    Canadian English
    Australian English
    New Zealand English
    Spanish España-y-América-Latina
    Spanish México—Diccionario-de-corrección
    Spanish Mexico—Diccionarios-para-México
    Spanish Puerto Rica
    Yiddish  hunspell version
    Yiddish YIVO version

add-ons-dictionaries-and-such folder
    Australian medical dictionary
    Chemestry dictionary
    US Names

Read off the HTML documentation page a few of the pdf file documents in the list.
Installed from the DVD folder:

Inkscape Windows version – ERROR – would not install on my Vista laptop. Inkscape Windows win32.7z version – unarchived to a folder. The included Inkscape folder's Inkscape.exe runs without an install routine.
    Sunbird – stand alone calendar

clipart-files {I do not remember why I added these two items to this folder}

That was it for installing the add ons through the Extension Manager.

So the only problems so far was the default installed Writer's Tools 1.1.x version shows an install error in the Extension Manager, but works with the latest version that is on the DVD's Extension page/folder. And the problem with the current version of Inkscape Windows .exe 0.48.0-1 version, but works fine with the win32.7z version. I know an earlier version of the .exe file worked since I did test it fine on the Vista laptop, but the site did not have any older versions listed. A German language site showed as an optional download method shows 0.48.1-1 version, but it was not a version the version on Inkscape's download site.
There was a navigation bar typo on the word “Artwork” on one of the 
pages, but that was fixed after I made the DVD's ISO.
Any problems did you see from the wed site version online?
I would like to know. I will be working on the typo's and other errors in the text over the next few days. This morning I added the WOT - web of trust - text for downloading from their web site, which is the only way it will be done for their security issues. This will reduce the "bad" IP and domain addresses that could be a problem with you or your children. Please look at site. I have used this for years as one of my security features.

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