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Moin Julien, 

When opening directly odc file then going to data series of the charts, then
area tab and finally bitmap, I got a crash.

Any idea how to initialize mpView in this specific case? (since I don't
reproduce this when opening the chart from ods file for example)
Short answer: you can't really, chart2 doesn't expose Sfx*Shell, so in .odc 
files the code from SvxBitmapTabPage constructor will yield NULL mpView.

You can work-around the fact though, so for UI scale (SvxBitmapTabPage::Reset) 
I'd do sth like this:

double fUIScale  = ( mpView && mpView->GetModel() ?  mpView>GetModel()-
GetUIScale() : 1.0 )
For the other line that relies upon the fact that mpView ain't NULL, namely:

SfxItemSet rGeoAttr(mpView->GetGeoAttrFromMarked());

First, GetGeoAttrFromMarked() only makes sense iff some object are actually 
marked (mpView->AreObjectsMarked()). Second, the code that follows assumes 
that rGeoAttr item set might not contain given item(s)  anyway (pItem may be 
null) :

m_fObjectWidth = std::max( pItem ? (double)static_cast<const 
SfxUInt32Item*>(pItem)->GetValue() : 0.0, 1.0 )

so I'd restructure the code accordingly i.e. set m_fObjectWidth to 0 and 
change that to real value iff we have mpView AND some objects are actually 



Katarina Behrens

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