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Hi Davide,

2011/6/27 Davide Dozza <>:
Il 26/06/2011 23:21, plino ha scritto:

Charles-H. Schulz wrote:
If you want absolute layout fidelity use PDF. That's the reason it's
been designed, not ODF.
PDF is used for keeping printing fidelity. It's not an editable format.
OOo, LibO, Symphony, Word, Abiword, Koffice and so on are tools for
editing documents and not for keeping viewing *and* printing fidelity.
For such purpose you should use desktop publishing software which has a
complete different approach (i.e. Inkscape).

Also for PDF, embedding fonts is an option. Only for PDF-A it's mandatory.

Should I make my presentations using a PDF?
Yes. By embedding your fonts if you want to be *reasonable* sure that
you will open the file and obtain a similar result in the future.
Aren't you guys really talking sortof detached from "the real world?"
(no disrespect intended).

Even though you might be right that you could pass around documents as
PDF/A, the reality is that users simply don't do that. Users create
their content in Writer, Impress, Calc etc and they pass those files
around and not their PDF-counter parts. This is really orthogonal to
the collaboration process - be that "for view" or for "for editing".
Also, suggesting to use PDF for Impress-files is not really going to
work. This will effectively stop any animations, transformation,
embedded multimedia etc from being of any use.

So in the real world users (not all, of course) *will* be troubled
about this, they *will* look for alternatives and they *will* blame
LibO/ODF for this feature lack ... regardless that usage of PDF would
seem like a better choice for them.

Personally I don't really understand why ODF TC (or, Charles in
particular) is to adamant in not wanting to add embedding of fonts to
ODF. It seems like a small addition to ODF-spec and would serve the
purpose of users that have no other alternative than use Microsoft
Office. On the other hand I agree completely that ODF TC should be
presented with "working code" presumably in a branch of e.g. LibO
where (the value of) the functionality is demonstrated.

Jesper Lund Stocholm

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