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        I suggest to do this:


        A1: 2/11/1939
        B1: =Now()
        Input in A3:

        =ROUNDDOWN ((B1-A1)/365)

        outcome: 72


Jorge Rodríguez

El jue, 16-02-2012 a las 13:40 +0200, escribió:
--- Alkuperäinen viesti ---
Aihe: LibreO-Base is lying about my age!
Päiväys: 15.2.2012 17:46
Lähettäjä: Pertti Rönnberg []
Kopio: Pertti Rönnberg []

Dear all of you,
First an opinion - correct me if wrong!
I've got the idea that this is kind of a help-desk where every LibreO 
user can both ask for help and give info about problems related to 
LibreO's components. Without any bad feelings afterwards!
Referring to the irrelevant "debates" recently and also my own 
experiences some weeks ago I would say that a real expert has the 
ability to concentrate on the question as-it-is and give a relevant 
answer -- he has knowledge enough to understand that there are no silly 
or wrong questions.
Every question has its reason - and every question is valuable because 
it indicates that there may be something to repair or do better in LibreO.
There is a truth in quality systems (e.g. ISO 9000): "without 
identifying the weaknesses there is no development".

_And now to my contribution to make LibreO better:_
I need to calculate in LO-Base the difference between an 'olddate' and 
today expressed in whole years (no decimals)
The main procedure seems to be the same in LO-Base and OOo as in MSAccess.
The function I placed in the query field is (ref. also to guides in LO & 
     datediff('year',"table1"."olddate",current_date)  or  

When I inserted my birthdate (2.11.1939) in 'olddate' my computer states 
that I am 73 - I'm NOT, I'm still only 72!
The correct result is 72,225 years;  and the desired answer without 
decimals 72.
 >    I got the same wrong result (73) both in LO-Base and in OOo-Base
 >    the wrong result is not logical - it can not be a rounding up, nor 
is it a result of an 'int()'-function
 >    if I replaced 'year' with 'dd' or 'mm' or 'yy' the function works  
-- but
when replaced 'year' with 'yyyy' the function stopped working  (why - 
'year' and 'yyyy' ought to be equal!)
 >    the query field does not accept the expression "int(datediff(..etc))"
 >    the date-format is equal (finnish - see above) in every relevant field
 >    my OS is Windows7Professional/32Bit

I also tried the formula /year(current_date - "olddate")/ but the query 
did not accept it as a valid expression - can I put that formula 
anywhere else?

Anyone there who can tell me how I shall get the LO-Base to be honest?
Pertti Rönnberg


Jorge Rodríguez

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