Hi all,
just to show you that I did something on the icons:
Best regards
PS: Next steps would be
- icons for Chart and Math, Web and Macros
- small size icons
If someone is interested in working on these topics, the SVG file can be
used as basis...
Bernhard Dippold schrieb:
Hi Ivan, Michael, Christoph, all
sorry - I don't have the time to comment your mails (hopefully tomorrow).
But I want to share a view on what I did on my draft:
While the right side is the draft you know from my SVG file
(http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Media:Template_icon_draft.svg), I
tried to lighten the colors of the document icons in the new version on
the left.
At the same time I removed one of the gradients and reused Ivan's inner
fill approach with noticeable border at the top as well as the gradients
on the symbols.
While I like the lighter document icons better, the darker color of the
application icons hide their symbols in smaller scales (from 32x32).
Will need some more work...
Sorry again for being not able to discuss now the points you mentioned -
but I'll have to get up early (without being tired out too much ...)
Best regards
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- Re: [libreoffice-design] Re: Initial icon design (continued)
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