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Some disappointment:

Now I'm not so sure any more that this is possible. My idea was to check
the currently selected cell, but it has two big flaws:
1: When updating cell contents, any cell can be selected.
2: ThisComponent.CurrentSelection.getValue() seems to always return 0 in a
situation like that, no matter which cell is selected and no matter its
value… but even if that part worked, the whole thing wouldn't work anyway,
see 1.
So I simply failed to make it work. Sorry.

In my Google Spreadsheet, I have a script that fills in the corresponding
cell in column A if one of a few cells in the same row was filled, but
there doesn't seem to be any (easy) way to trigger a macro to run when a
cell was changed in LibreOffice. Maybe trying with listeners, but I never
studied those so I'm totally clueless about them.

In Google Spreadsheets you only have to create a function and call it
OnEdit(). It will run every time a cell is changed. In that function, you
just write code to find out what cell was changed and if a cell in a
certain column or cell range was changed, just fill in the current date
and/or time value in your time- or date column at the same row as the cell
that was changed. It's actually very straight forward.

Anyway, odd that I couldn't find an easy way to do it in LibreOffice Calc.
I'm sure it's possible, but I don't have a clue how to do it, at the
moment. I'm sure I'm overlooking something. This should be easy, shouldn't

A few simple workarounds that comes to mind:

Use the pre-defined keyboard shortcuts to insert date, time or date and
time. I don't remember the shortcuts now, because I changed mine (to Ctrl+↵
for date), but maybe it is Ctrl+; that is the same as in Excel?
Another workaround is to use the NOW() function and when finished just
select all date cells and then hit Ctrl+c Insert ↵. Ctrl+c for copying the
cell range, Insert for Paste Special (or is that just another one of those
keyboard shortcuts that I changed on my own setup?) and ↵ for executing the

Or write a macro that replaces all date cell's formulas with their values
automatically and run it before saving your spreadsheet. Or maybe let the
same macro also save the spreadsheet and use that macro instead of Ctrl+s
for saving.

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

Den fre 2 okt. 2020 kl 19:58 skrev Johnny Rosenberg <
Den fre 2 okt. 2020 kl 11:41 skrev Chimel <>:


I use the formula IF(A1<>"";NOW()) copied to every cell of column B.
It gives me the correct time every time I type anything on a line of
But this is refreshed constantly by the time of the computer,

Yes, that's the point with the NOW()  function. It's usually used for
calculating time, for instance how long ago a certain date was, for
instance =NOW()-A1, which you then format to whatever format you like. With
no formatting you get it in days.

not the time I
typed something in column A.

That's correct and intended.

I tried looking for a static version of NOW() or playing with iterations
(probably not correctly) or looking for a way to stop recomputing this
specific column to no avail.
Is there a way to set on column B the time of the typing on each line of
column A and keep it as a static time.

Yes, I actually do that in a Google Spreadsheet, but it can be done in all
spreadsheets that support macros or scripts, I think.

I am usually good with formulas, but this very basic need escapes me.

It's probably because there is no cell function for that. You have to
create your own.

As far as usability is concerned, a STATICNOW() function seems much more
useful than the current NOW() function.

It depends on what you want to do. See above. I find both useful, but in
different situations.

Or inserting a 0,1 argument for
staticness or something.
So far, I am forced to type or insert the time manually each time.
Let me repeat it: Manually each time! Me!  ;)

I'll experiment a bit with a macro for this. I'm back when done, if nobody
beats me to it.

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg


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