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Thanks for your quick replies!

I really don't think my pictures are too big at all! I've made slideshows
with Apple Keynote or Micro$oft Powerpoint with almost a hundred slides,
that were very multimedia heavy (including videos, high resolution images in
MBs each, etc.), and they run *flawlessly* with transitions, etc.

I also tried installing LibreOffice on other Macs, and get the same problem.
In all cases they grind to a halt  as soon as I begin adding things other
than pure text/bullet points to the slides...

Sounds like this is an issue specific to LibreOffice Impress running on the
Mac??? Am I the only person experiencing these performance issues? But if
so, why did the other Macs I tried this on also have the problem?

I think LibreOffice should be built so that it can handle multimedia rich
presentations in Impress!

I would really like to find a solution to this, but otherwise I guess I need
to stick with Apple Keynote for the foreseeable future... :(

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