routing incoming calls


since now our SIP system is working, I would like to offer all of you BoD members to be in the route of incoming calls to our Berlin number. Right now, they are coming to my phone, Thorsten plans to connect as well, but anyone else is welcome to join.

We have various options of connecting you:
  - via a real SIP client, may it be a phone or softphone
  - via Skype
  - via forwarding to a landline or mobile phone (although mobile phones are quite expensive to call)

The only requirement is that you do *not* have any voice mail system active, otherwise messages will be buried in one of your voice mail systems, which is not desirable.

Feel free to ping me offlist if you want to be included. However, no worries, I can handle it on my own, it's just an option. :slight_smile:
