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Hi all,

I have somewhat mixed feelings about the new homepage
... but I don't want to go into any of that too much, as I didn't work
on it at all and the new page is a marked improvement over the old
one. Instead, I'd like to ask for a few small things that should be
easy remedy:

#1 Add "outline: none;" and some :hover/:active effect to the CSS of
the "‹" and "›" buttons – the first one to remove the ugly whole-page
outline around the right button, e.g. in Firefox; the second to
overcome the accessibility/visibility bug we just created.

#2 Make the page sliding animation faster – slow animations draw
attention to themselves, fast ones help the user navigate. I think the
animation is still in the first group.

#3 Use a non-condensed font, e.g. regular Open Sans. The current font
is pretty hard to read, especially on the "Discover it" page.

#4 Don't rotate the "Download LibreOffice now!" text – it's a nice
effect, but most people's font rendering/screens are terrible at
displaying it.



(Please keep me in CC if you reply, I am not on this list.)

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