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MR ZenWiz wrote:
On Thu, Sep 13, 2018 at 1:15 PM, Regina Henschel
<> wrote:

Set the image as background image of the page and set the page margins so
that the image is at the correct position. The "Border" tab of the page
style dialog has a "padding" section. There you can set an additional
distance between inner edge of the margin area of the page and start of the
text. This padding restricts the usable area for text.

I tried that, but there's something I don't quite follow and the
borders idea looked great -until I opened the file with Word to see
what it looked like.  after that, it was completely messed up and I
had to start all over.

If you're not already doing so, be sure to save your main working copy of the file in ODF Text (.odt) format, which supports all of LibreOffice's features. At least then if anything is lost in the conversion to Word's format, you don't lose the original. Then save a copy in Word format for sending to other people. You might have better luck saving as Word 97-2003 (.doc) rather than the newer .docx format.

It's possible that the particular layout options you're trying to use are not supported in Word and/or its file formats, in which case the conversion will be a best effort and may not appear exactly the same even if reopened in LibreOffice. If one way of getting the required layout doesn't come out right in Word, it may be worth trying others.

Why check it with Word?  Because that's what everyone else who will
see this uses.  LO is fabulous and Word is so-so, but so-so x millions
of users vs. the paltry few who use LO takes the cake every time.  (I
wold have used the word "trump," but I'd rather not....)

If the other people only need to read the document, you'd be better off exporting to PDF format and sending them that. That doesn't really help if those other people need to be able to modify the document though, or if this is a template for them to fill in the text.

If i knew how to do this in Word, I would do that, but I'm just not a WP expert.

There exist no "best" way.


Other ideas:
Anchor the image to the header, set it to wrap-through and sent it to
background. Then adapt the page margins.

Not quite sure what all that means, but I tried using the top and left
sidebar as images, and the "left" sidebar refused to anchor on the
left - when I moved it, it jumped to the right and refused to budge.

Set the image as background image of the page and set the page margins so
that the image is at the correct position. Do all your work in frames. For
text flow to next page use linked frames.

That was what I tried first.  For some reason, when I pasted the
copied text, it kept its own format and splattered all over the left
side column.

I may be wrong, but I don't think the page margins should be affected by pasting text. Make sure you are setting the page margins, and not the paragraph indent (which can be affected by pasting formatted text).

Dragging the arrows on the top ruler changes the paragraph indent, which is not what you want. If you position the mouse cursor between the points of the two arrows near the left of that ruler, you can move the page margin. It may be easier to go to the Format > Page menu and set the margins there though, rather than trying to click and drag in just the right place.

I appreciate the input, but I confess, after using LO since it came
out and OO before that, I don't know it well enough for this kind of
fancy work, and I don't have the time to set aside to learn all the
nice features the Writer has.

We're all constantly learning. I've learned quite a lot just by being subscribed to this list and reading other people's queries, solutions, and general suggestions. I started with OpenOffice 1.0.x, and still keep finding out about better (or just alternative) ways of doing things I've been doing for years or other features I can make use of.

I just wrote up the doc as a straight text document with nice if
boring formatting.  It's easy to read and doesn't give me headaches.

Maybe someday when I need to get fancier....

Thanks again.  Sorry to have bothered the list.


(Another) Mark

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